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Stroke in Pet Sugar Gliders: Signs and Prevention

Stroke in Pet Sugar Gliders: Signs and Prevention Image credit: Freepik.com  Pet sugar gliders are susceptible to health problems, just like any other pets. Although most of these issues do not pose an immediate threat, there is a condition that can prove fatal for pet sugar gliders: strokes. A stroke can happen when there is […]

8 Tips for Healthy Dog Skin and Coat

8 Tips for Healthy Dog Skin and Coat Image credit: Freepik.com  For many dog owners, there’s nothing quite as satisfying as seeing their beloved canine sport a healthy and silky coat. A dog’s skin and coat serve as clear indicators of their overall well-being. The good news is that ensuring the wellness of your dog’s […]

How to Calm a Stressed Pet Sugar Glider

How to Calm a Stressed Pet Sugar Glider Image credit: Freepik.com  Pet sugar gliders are highly prone to stress and anxiety, but there are several ways to help them feel more at ease and reduce their stress levels. If you notice your pet sugar glider showing signs of stress, here are some steps you can […]

Guide on Swimming Pool Safety for Dogs

Guide on Swimming Pool Safety for Dogs Image credit: Unsplash.com  Swimming can be an enjoyable outdoor activity for your dog, especially on hot days! It not only allows them to have fun but also serves as a low-impact exercise, promoting better conditioning and improved range of motion without straining their joints. However, ensuring your dog’s […]

How Smart Is A Sugar Glider

How Smart Is A Sugar Glider? Image credit: Freepik.com Sugar gliders exhibit high intelligence both in their natural habitat and in captivity, a necessity for their survival in the wild. Their adeptness in finding food and evading predators showcases their clever instincts. Even as pets, sugar gliders continue to impress with their intelligence. Pet sugar […]

How to Deal with Puppy Separation Anxiety

How to Deal with Puppy Separation Anxiety Image credit: Unsplash.com It’s not uncommon for puppies to experience separation anxiety, leading them to feel highly distressed every time you leave the house. Since most puppies naturally seek close companionship with their human owners, they may exhibit undesirable behaviors if they haven’t learned to be comfortable alone. […]

Pet Sugar Glider Hind-Leg Paralysis

Pet Sugar Glider Hind-Leg Paralysis: What You Need To Know Image credit: Freepik.com Pet sugar gliders can sometimes face a common issue called hind-leg paralysis. Sugar glider hind-leg paralysis refers to the partial or complete paralysis of the hind legs in sugar gliders. While the exact cause of this condition is often attributed to bacteria […]

Puppy Teething: Tips and Ways to Care for Puppy Teeth

Puppy Teething: Tips and Ways to Care for Puppy Teeth Just like human babies, puppies go through a teething phase that requires special attention and care. Similar to human babies, puppies are initially born without teeth, and they undergo a natural process of temporary teeth emerging and eventually being replaced by permanent ones. However, this […]

Best Pet Sugar Glider Toys

Sugar gliders are cute and high-energy creatures that require sufficient playtime and mental stimulation to maintain their well-being and happiness. Selecting suitable toys for your pet sugar glider is crucial for their overall health and contentment. The market offers a wide range of pet sugar glider toys specifically designed to cater to sugar gliders’ natural […]

How to Leash Train a Puppy

How to Leash Train a Puppy? Image credit: Pexels.com Many new puppy owners often believe their puppies are untrainable, but this is far from the truth. Puppies are naturally energetic and easily distracted, making it challenging for them to learn commands quickly. It’s easy for owners to become discouraged during the training process. However, it’s […]