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How to get a Malaysia’s Pet Passport

Getting A Malaysia’s Pet Passport

Getting A Malaysia’s Pet Passport

(Malaysian Animal Identification Card)

(Including Costs & Requirements)

Requirements for getting A Malaysia’s Pet Passport

Planning to travel with your furry companion? You’re probably all set and ready to fly, but does your pet have its own passport? If you plan to travel with your pet within Malaysia or to another country, you will need a Malaysia’s Pet Passport a.k.a Malaysian Animal Identification Card (MAIC). A pet passport contains information about your pet, including identification details, nationality, vaccination records, and health status.

Pets have been able to acquire official Malaysia’s Pet Passport since 2010. It is a small blue booklet that contains all of the documentation needed to travel from and to Malaysia with a pet. Customs officers will require these paperwork to clear your pet when travelling. A Malaysia’s Pet Passport essentially proves that your pet is fit and healthy to travel enabling you and your furry friend to have a stress free travel.

With a Malaysia’s Pet Passport, your pet won’t often have to undergo a long quarantine period. You must have your pet microchipped, vaccinated against rabies, treated for parasites, and issued a health certificate and import license by the Director General of Veterinary Services or the Director of the State Veterinary Department. A veterinarian health certificate (VHC) is necessary to export pets from Malaysia, and depending on the country of your travel destination, extra vaccinations and documentation may also be needed.

What does a Malaysia’s Pet Passport contain?

What does a Malaysia’s Pet Passport contain?

All documents necessary for entering or leaving Malaysia with a pet are included in a Malaysia’s Pet Passport. It is also proof to show that your pet is fit and healthy enough to travel. A pet passport is necessary to make sure your pet doesn’t pose as a health risk to other animals.

How to obtain a Malaysia’s Pet Passport?

1. Check Out The Requirements

The most likely requirements for dogs and cats are:

• Microchip
• Rabies vaccine
• Parasite treatments
• Health certificate

The above are the general requirements for bringing a pet into many countries. Microchipping your pet is necessary in order to register for a Malaysia’s Pet Passport. Furthermore, vaccinations against rabies are not considered valid in many countries unless your pet is microchipped. It is also highly encouraged to get your pet microchipped as this greatly increases your chances of finding your pet if they ever go missing.

It is important to note, however, that many countries have additional requirements, including the following:

• Additional vaccinations / treatments
• Permits / licenses
• Government endorsement

You should find out the requirements of your destination country before visiting the vet if you are traveling outside of Malaysia. Also, check if returning to your home country involves any requirements.

2. Health Check At The Veterinary

Requirements to obtain Malaysian Pet Passport

Be sure to tell your veterinarian what place or country you will be travelling to so they can prepare your pet’s vaccinations in advance when you are booking the appointment. It may be necessary for them to prepare additional vaccinations and treatments for your pet if you are travelling outside of Malaysia. Certain countries also require pets to undergo a rabies blood test or rabies titer test before entering. Blood tests may be required by your destination country, so your veterinarian will have to collect a blood sample from your pet before sending it to a laboratory for analysis.

Some countries, such as the UK, Finland, Malta, and Norway, require dogs to go for tapeworm treatment before they can enter. You should check to see if your destination country has this requirement.

3. Applying For Permits & Licenses

Depending on where you are exporting your pet, you might need an import permit. The requirements for entry vary by country, and many of them call for an import permit. You will need to check the specific requirements of the country you will be visiting.

It is a requirement that all pets must have an Import License issued by the Director General of Veterinary Services or the Director of the State Veterinary Department. License applications can be submitted online, in person, or by mail. You must get in touch with an agent who is listed in the system if you want to apply online. You may also submit your application by mail, in person, through a representative or agent, or both.

The current Import Permit Fee is RM5 per dog/cat.

Applications can be submitted to the following details below:

Director General
Department of Veterinary Services
5th Floor, Podium Block 1A, 4G1
Wisma Tani, Precinct 4
62630 Putrajaya, Malaysia

Tel: (603) 88702213 / 88702381
Fax: (603) 88886472
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.dvs.gov.my

You can also contact the Department of Veterinary Services directly or visit their website for complete information.

Registration Fees for a Malaysia’s Pet Passport

Below are the current categories of pets eligible for Malaysia’s Pet Passport registration and the fees involved (the fees do not include microchip, physical examination, vaccinations and picture):

• Dogs: RM 7
• Cats: RM 7
• Rabbits: RM 7
• Horses: RM 9

The Malaysia’s Pet Passport can be applied at:

1. Department Of Veterinary Services (All DVS state office)
2. Veterinary Clinics that accredited as a Malaysia Animal Registrar

Can my pet board the plane in Malaysia?

Before you board your pet on a plane, you’ll need to find out what rules and regulations are associated with bringing your pet into your destination country. Make sure that all required documents are in order such as a pet passport, health certificates, permits, or declarations.
Can my pet board the plane in Malaysia?

The rules for bringing a pet on a plane differ from airline to airline. Malaysian Airlines, for example, requires pet owners to make reservations and prepare pet carriers for their pets in advance. In order to ensure that your pet can fly with you, it is strongly advisable that you contact your airline service provider and inquire about the process.

The overall process of registering for a Malaysia’s Pet Passport can be quite tedious but getting it done for your pet is definitely worth it – you can enjoy travelling with your pet and explore the world together with them!

Does your pet need a ride to a veterinarian appointment for a health check? JoJo Pets can help. JoJo Pets, a pet taxi service in Malaysia, provides safe and timely pet transportation to pet clinics. Let us know if you have any questions. Book a ride with us today!

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Download the JoJo Pets app today for exclusive news and offers at https://jojo-pets.com/

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